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The Tomb of Iymery - Egypt Tours Portal

The Tomb of Iymery: Witness Egypt’s Secret Past

Uncover the 4,600-year-old tomb of Iymery, a high priest whose burial site provides glimpses into Ancient...

Osiris Tomb In Giza Pyramids Complex - Egypt Tours Portal

The Osiris Tomb in Giza

Explore the hidden depths of the Osiris Tomb within the Giza Pyramids Complex, a sacred underground struc...

Giza Pyramids Worker's Village - Egypt Tours Portal

The Giza Workers’ Village

Uncover the Workers’ Village at Giza, where skilled laborers built pyramids, carved hieroglyphs, and in...

Life Expectancy of Ancient Egyptians - Egypt Tours Portal

Life Expectancy of Ancient Egyptians

Explore life expectancy in ancient Egypt—infant mortality, gender differences, social class, and health...

Ancient Egyptian Jobs - Egypt Tours Portal

Jobs in Ancient Egypt

Discover ancient Egyptian professions, from farmers to scribes. Explore their barter-based economy, socia...

Ancient Egyptian Police - Egypt Tours Portal

The Police in Ancient Egypt

Explore ancient Egypt's police force, from the Medjay to law enforcement with animals. Discover their rol...

Ancient Egyptian Gardens - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Gardens

Discover the significance of ancient Egyptian gardens, from royal estates to sacred flora like the lotus....

The Infulence of Ancient Egypt on Ancient Greece - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece

Discover ancient Egypt's influence on Greek culture, from religion and art to architecture, science, and ...

Ancient Egyptian Enemies - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Enemies

Discover ancient Egypt's rivals—Nubia, Hyksos, Hittites, and more. Explore military strategies, cultura...

Ancient Egyptian Chariots and Horses - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Chariots and Horses

Discover how horses and chariots revolutionized ancient Egyptian warfare, culture, and royalty, shaping m...

Lotus Flower  - Egypt Tours Portal

Lotus Flower of Egypt

Discover how the ancient Egyptian lotus flower shaped creation myths, influenced art and architecture plu...

Ancient Egyptian Astronomy - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Astronomy

Discover ancient Egypt's celestial wisdom—monument alignments, a 365-day calendar, and the deep ties be...

Ancient Egyptian Electricty - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Electricity

Explore theories of ancient Egyptian electricity, from the Dendera Light to the Baghdad Battery. Uncover ...

Ancient Egyptian Pottery -Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Pottery

Discover ancient Egyptian pottery, from everyday vessels to ceremonial wares. Explore techniques, materia...

Ancient Egyptian Clothes - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Clothing

Explore ancient Egyptian clothing, from royal linen to common attire. Discover textile techniques, cultur...

Ancient Egyptian Literature - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Literature

Explore ancient Egyptian literature, from hymns to timeless tales. Discover its themes, writing systems, ...

Ancient Egyptian Furniture - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Furniture

Discover the craftsmanship and symbolism of ancient Egyptian furniture, from simple stools to gilded thro...

Ancient Egyptian Colors - Egypt Tours Portal

Colors of Ancient Egypt

Explore the profound symbolism of ancient Egyptian colors. Learn how these hues reflected spirituality, n...

Ancient Egyptian Nobles - Egypt Tours Portal

Ancient Egyptian Nobles

Discover the essential role of Egyptian nobles in governance, military, and religion. Explore their legac...

Ancient Egyptian Toys - Egypt Tours Portal (2)

Toys of Ancient Egypt

Explore ancient Egyptian toys, from dolls to board games, shaping childhood, education, and culture. Disc...

Our Story


Egypt Tours Portal was established in 1987 and we have more than 33 years of experience in the field of tourism in Egypt. We have defined the word of professionalism throughout the tours that we have arranged through the past years as it is not just business to us but it is a matter of proving to the whole world that we are the best travel agency in the middle east who can arrange perfect well-organized tours in Egypt with the whole required element to make it one of its kind.

We offer tens of variable options to enjoy your dream vacation either an overland tour or a majestic Nile Cruise adventure for any number of dates you are looking for and that is one of the main reasons which make us a pioneer in Egyptian Tourism. We also offer the best opportunities for our guests to put their own touches over their tour itinerary and customize their own itineraries to match their requests and needs. We provide tours in Egypt for all travelers from around the world to enjoy the magnificent beauty of the Land of Pharaohs and to understand the great ancient history of Egypt through the most professional Egyptologist tour guides. We do confirm that you will spend a real wonderful vacation and will definitely come back for more.


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