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Tip-Top Tips to Cope with Life After COVID-19 Lockdown

Tips to Cope with Life After COVID-19 Lockdown - Egypt Tours Portal Blog

We know for sure that it has been a really tough time for all of us. It has been an overwhelming situation and we can also say that it has been really scary to face such a pandemic alone with our beloveds. We can say now that such a horrible nightmare is almost over and we are almost ready to get our lives back and get back our normal life with what is good & bad, with all of the happy & sad moments, with a totally different life perspective.

As long as you are breathing now, it means that you get the real blessing from god that you passed such a difficult test and managed to win over such a terrible virus. You have the right now to get out of your house and take a deep breath. You and your family are totally in a great need to start a new life and to know and appreciate what the word “Life” means. You managed to pass such a difficult test and were able to save yourself and the ones you love with lots of dedication and much effort to keep them safe and secured and that is why you deserve to have a break and enjoy your life and we will assist you with some instructions on how you can enjoy the best of your life with people around you.

1- Plan to Travel Overseas

After spending so much time at home isolated from the rest of the world to protect yourself from the danger of getting infected with COVID-virus, it is finally the chance to get outside and visit new places. Among the most secured countries that you can visit and you will enjoy a lot with your family & friends is the amazing country, Egypt which is filled with unrivaled ancient monuments and attractions with the most magnificent coastal beaches to enjoy as never before.

2- Learn New Languages

It is something really interesting to meet new people from the different parts of the world to learn new habits and to start communicating with other people in different ways; either online or through meeting them face to face. This will definitely allow you to get rid of the entire horrible situation that you faced during the COVID-19 lockdown. You can simply now learn any language you want online and that is how you will be busy with something really adorable to you and you will feel that you are really a successful person once you get the ability to communicate with other people in different languages.

3- Head to the Gym and Exercise

What is more important to your body and health than heading to the gym at least three times a week!! Such activity has the ability to improve your cardiovascular system, maintain your weight, strengthen your muscles, clear your mind, and face and health conditions by decreasing its odds. You will feel that you are really enjoying while doing something really important to you so that way you will doing something good to yourself.

4- Taste Some Different Delicious Food

We have all learned while facing COVID-19 that we are missing the good part of life. We are always during the whole time with the life staff, work, children, and all similar things without giving ourselves the chance to relax and do new things. Among the best new things to try is new food. You may like a specific type of food but how you may know that other food tastes delicious without tasting it!! You can experience such an interesting thing by heading to different places and taste their traditional food. You can of course check the ingredients of each dish you are about to try first and then feel free to try whatever you want.

5- Look after yourself

It is really an important thing to look after yourself. There are specific things that you can do in order not to get overwhelmed or stressed or even to get isolated. COVID-19 pandemic has been a tough exam we have been through. Some of us succeeded to get over it with good mental & physical health but others got infected and from this point, you need to promise yourself that you will do your best to be able to face any kind of problems in the future whatever happens.

Try to treat yourself, respect all the efforts you do daily to get progressed, get moving through taking part in ant Physical activities, do the things you like and never allow others to prevent you as life is too short to waste in doing boring stuff. Last but not least, you need t build on your strengths and you can do so through focusing on the things you can do & accomplish in a successful way and then try your best to find a motivation to keep developing yourself to be the best in the things you like, this is how life goes on, never get depressed and say that you can’t as you definitely can.

6- Buy New Clothes

Shopping is one of the most adorable things that have the ability to change one’s mood and that is why it is highly recommended to get out with the people you like and care of to enjoy a shopping tour through which you can buy different items, clothes, footwear, and similar things. It is going to be a terrific thing if you decided to change your style with more different and interesting things. You will get really happy after that and you will feel like you have changed some things about your life. It is an important thing to do the best you can to get rid of the negative energy you have got during COVID-19 lockdown and now you have the best chance to change some things about your old life, this how you will live your life in the best way.

7- Start A New Hobby

To follow such a step, you need to check first the things that you are interested in and try to find things that are similar to them or new things that may appeal to you. Among the highly recommended activities that you can check during such time, you can read new books to live the different adventures & stories that exist in each book. If you can, try to get some sewing course and you will find that this is one of the most interesting hobbies you can enjoy ever in life especially after seeing the result of your work in front of you after accomplishing it. It differs from a person to another based on the interests of each one but what we would like to say is what finding new hobbies will teach you lots of things in life and will make you happy during the whole time.

8- Enjoy A Family Gathering

When the word family is mentioned at any time, you will automatically get the feeling of being safe, beloved, and secured against anything in the world. Nothing is more important than feeling the people around you really care for you and always want you to be safe & happy, this is actually what the word family is all about. Why your family matter??? Because they provide you with the Physical & emotional needs during the whole time, always provide you with the necessary support you need to get improved, provide the ultimate protection, offer the best guidance in the whole areas of life to see you always in the top.

They teach you good values during the whole life even after you grow up and become a parent; they will keep seeing you as their young child who always needs someone to care of. So with a family gathering, you can get your brothers, sisters, parents, and grandparents, other relatives, together to exchange speech and spend some lovely time together. This will be with no doubt a great thing to overcome such a terrible experience of COVID-19 pandemic.

9- Get Out with Your Friends

We can’t even mention how important friends are in one’s life. Friends can make the worst in life, a really funny thing to laugh at and there have been many studies that proved that in case you have solid friendships in your life that will help you to promote your brain health and to be able to deal with any kind of stress & obstacles. We can say aloud that friends make life easier and friendship is equally important to the mental health of anyone so meet your friends, go out with them, sing aloud, take lots of amazing pictures, and have fun.

10- Get A Pet

The most important thing about pets is that they provide us with companionships and with emotional support. While having a pet at your house, you will feel that you are having a child with you that is growing up in front of your eyes and play with you. You will put all of your interest in that pet and that will assist you to avoid any stress and you will never feel like being alone.

11- Learn Yoga

Many doctors around the world have admitted that when yoga is incorporated with meditation & breathing lessons, it provides such a huge importance in improving the mental well-being of any person and to get rid of any stress. When you do yoga, you will get mental clarity & calmness, relax your mind, increase your body awareness, sharpen your concentration, and get lots of other benefits that you need to check yourself while doing yoga.

12- Go for Adventurous Activities

Some people love to stick with what is classic and traditional. They may be afraid of doing dangerous things or even try new things but from our position we highly recommend trying some adventurous activities that will change your way of life, your traditions, open new horizons after your eyes, and assist you in exploring the whole world around you. Among the most exciting adventurous activities that we recommend are snorkeling, diving, windsurfing, skiing, mountain climbing, biking, parasailing, and similar things that may be matching with your interests.

13- Start Talking with Your Family Members

You may have lots of people around you at your house but you probably haven’t talked with any of them regarding any of the things that annoy you before. It is now the perfect time to start working on strengthening the family relationships between the members of your family through talking together and let them know the reason of being so stressed, what are the main things that annoy you, how you can renew your relationships with the ones who live with you. You can start with hugging them and let them feel your deep affection. It is going to be a good start through successful relations.

14- Be Happy and Safe

Life has appeared to be so short to be spent in a miserable state and to live everyday similar to the day before or after. Make use of every day you get and put in mind that it is Allah’s gift upon you to have another chance in life with everyday you wake up in a good health and with everything you take a breath without needing medicine. Do whatever you want but stay safe and secured as enjoying life doesn’t mean at all to put your life or others’ lives in danger.

15- Plan A Weekly Picnic with the Ones You Love

You may be a really busy person and that you have lots of things to do every day, you may not have any free time to spend with your family but you will find yourself getting so exhausted and that you aren’t spending any fun time that is why we recommend planning a weekly picnic through which you can enjoy the beauty of nature around you, spend some time with your family, see new people, head to different places and this is the best chance to get rid of the negative effects left upon us after such a pandemic.

16- Listen to A Different Type of Music

Music has the ability to fend off depression, lower levels of stress, improve blood flow, change the mood, and get refreshed so you can listen to different types of music with also different languages o that you find the most appealing type for you.

17- Watch Different Kinds of Movies

If you have free time and you want to relax and watch an interesting thing, you can see the new movies that have recently been produced and follow the types of movies that you like including the romantic, science fiction, classic, horror, and the other types. For absolute fun, you can prepare popcorn and gather the ones you like to watch the movie together either online or on TV.

18- Learn Different Computer Skills

All of our lives depend nowadays on technology and developmental computer skills. It is going to be a really interesting thing to find your passion for learning such progressed skills to develop yourself and to be able to prove your efficiency in such a field.

19- Improve Yourself to Be A Better Person

Each one of us knows his/her strengths and weaknesses, we know what we can and what we can’t perform, we know what we can face and what we definitely can’t so it is now the perfect chance to all things together and see what you should do to be a much better person. Try to dig deep inside you and be totally honest with yourself to reach the highest level of efficiency and fairness with yourself. It all depends upon you and no one else so take the decision and go for it.

20- Look After Your Health and Your Body

No one will ever look after your health & body like you as you are the only one who knows what you are suffering from and what needs to be cared for. Start writing your priorities and your list should include the following points to look after:

  • Have a vision test.
  • Check your weight.
  • Have a Blood test.
  • Get a Physical test.
  • Start eating healthy food.
  • Go to a dentist and check your teeth.
  • Volunteer some of your blood.
  • Drink lots of water every day.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar and salt at your food.
  • Drink fresh juices with no sugar.
  • So some exercises.
  • Go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • Go to the beach and do some water sport.

21- Stop Smoking

After confronting COVID-19 pandemic, you knew how important it is to enjoy healthy lungs and to avoid any diseases that may damage your lungs and by taking the decision to stop smoking, you are greatly lowering the risk of dying because of lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, stroke, emphysema, and so many other diseases and tens types of cancer so this is considered one of the most important advice we recommend to enjoy a healthy life and to avoid so many diseases in the future.

22- Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

Who can say that he/she doesn’t need help in life?? We all need help in different fields in life from different people around us, and in different ways that is why never get afraid to ask for help from the others around you as they can give you a hand to pass any difficult situation but if you decided to keep silent and not sharing your problems with others, you may get so depressed and you won’t be able to confront the obstacles of life in a good way.

23- Stay Connected with the Others

Don’t isolate yourself from the others imagining that you are protecting them from your negative energy or something like that as this is definitely untrue. By sharing the others your thoughts and stay connected with them, you will get so much relieved and you will find a solution to your issues much faster. Get people around you to ask you when they don’t find you; get people who care for you to be that you are alive. COVID-19 has kept us away from the ones we love but now we can get in connect with them again.

24- Don’t Let Your Fear Become A Pandemic, Too

Try your best to get rid of your stress and don’t concentrate on viruses and how they spread during the whole time in order not to get a phobia or even panic if someone only coughs next to you. We have faced during the whole of our lives many diseases and viruses and with the assistance of a tips to cope with life after COVID-19 lockdown will assist you with some instructions on how you can enjoy the best of your life with people around you.good and the medical care, we have passed all difficult situations so don’t panic and just do what you are required to do to stay safe like wearing masks when you are outside your home, wash your hands during the whole time, keep the social distancing as possible as you can and that way you will be secured and you can simply live your life as you want.

25- Do Voluntary Work

Helping the others both whom e know and who we don’t know, assist us in a great way to counteract the stress effects, anxiety, and stress. You will see happiness in the eyes of people around you, and get bless of their prayers for you so it is going to have so many benefits over your mental and physical health.

26- Don’t Listen to Others’ Rumors

People simply never stop saying rumors and wrong things to get attention or to cause the fear of the others so you should never listen to anyone who always mentions the negative things. Trust only in the trusted sites & channels that mention news to get the accurate information you need and that is so important to keep your mental & physical health safe.

27- Plan A Daily Routine

Don’t live a chaotic life as there is nothing more important that having an organized life with a daily routine to stick with and to enjoy of course new things from a while to another. Arranging your day everyday will assist you in enjoying the best things you love without missing any, have a timetable to stick with everyday, have an organized life, and have enough time to learn new things like new hobbies, new languages, learning how to cook, and enjoy several activities with your beloved ones.

Enjoy A Safety Journey to Egypt

Egypt Tours Portal organized team will assist you to enjoy the best of life as we have dedicated all of our work to organize the most appealing tours and vacations in the great land of Pharaohs to allow our esteemed guests to overcome all of the cons left after COVID-19 pandemic and to visit the most outstanding attractions that were constructed by the great ancient Egyptian Pharaohs & rulers. So check now some of our Egypt vacation packages & Nile River cruises, choose the most interesting one for you with having the full ability to apply any modifications based on your request to enjoy your lifetime adventure with an impressive tour price so contact us now and enjoy life as never before.

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